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Applying for Leave
Support @ BeSimplified avatar
Written by Support @ BeSimplified
Updated over a week ago

Navigating to the Leave Page

The Leave Page is where you can find forms to view and submit requests for leave time and how much leave time you have accumulated.

To navigate to the Leave Page from the Pypa HR Home Page, select Leave on the left-hand menu.

Applying for Leave

To apply for leave from the Leave Page, select the orange Apply button.

In the Apply for Leave popup window, select the time range in the calendar that you want to apply for leave. Select the Single Day checkbox if you wish to apply for a single day and not a range of days.

In the reason space, you can submit any notes for HR about your leave request, as well as upload any attachments you need to send with your leave request.In the Notify Others section, you can elect to notify other people outside of the HR department about your leave application. To add someone to this section, start typing their name and select them from the drop down that appears under the Notify Others box.

Using the drop downs at the top, you can choose to apply for half days of leave for your first and last leave days.Mark as Unavailable in Calendar will be checked by default. Uncheck it if you do not wish for your calendar to be clocked out during your leave time.

Pypa will alert you if your chosen leave dates clash with anyone else on your team:

The “Leave Application” box will also tell you how many days of leave you will have left if your application is successful:

When you have finished making your leave application, click Submit to send it.

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