In the Users Tab, admin users can edit all My Profile sections that non-admin users can, as well as extra sections in the Work Profile, Financial, and Assets sections. You can also verify user information.
To find the admin-side of My Profile, starting from the users module click on any member in the Pending Verification and Members lists in the Members section of the Users Tab:
This will take you to the admin-side of My Profile:
Editing Profile Sections
As an admin user you can edit any My Profile sections. To edit profile sections, click the or
icons at top right hand of each box:
This will give you either a pop-up box or an editable version of the box to fill in:
For more information about editing employee-editable sections, please see Editing My Profile.
Filling in Admin Only Sections
There are several sections of users’ Work Profile, Financial details, and Assets which you as an admin user have to fill in. Some sections users can request to be updated on their behalf.
Work Profile Tab
The Employment, Compensation, Benefits, and Work Contact sections of users’ Work Profile can only be filled in by admin users.
To fill in the Employment section, select Location, Employment Type, Date of joining, Team, Job Title, Reporting Manager, and Supervisor from the relevant dropdown menus:
You can also fill in the Probation Period, Notice During Probation, and Notice Post Probation fields, if necessary.
The Location, Date of Joining, Team, Job Title, Reporting Manager, and Supervisor fields are compulsory to save this section.
Work benefits must be filled out by an admin in this section,
The Financial Tab
All three sections of the financial profile can only be filled in by an admin user.
To fill in the Compensation box, select Pay Type and Payment Period from their dropdown menus and fill in the Overtime Rate and Commission fields:
Pick the currency for Gross Pay and Cost To Company, and fill in those fields.
You must fill in the Pay Type, Gross Pay, Cost To Company, and Payment Period fields to save this section.
To fill in the Financial box, fill in the Primary Account Number and Bank Name fields and select Account Type from the dropdown menu.
Fill in the National ID Card, Driver’s License, and Passport Number fields to fill in the Government box.
Assets Tab:
This tab can only be filled in by an admin user.
You can use the Assets section of the profile section to assign assets to a user.
To do this, click the “Assign Asset” button on the right side of the assets list.
This will bring up the “Assign Asset” pop-up box:
Search by name or serial number to add an asset to the user. Assets must be first registered in the asset registry.
To do more with assets, including deleting them from a user or requesting repairs, you will have to go to the Asset Register section of the Control Center.
Verifying User Information
The Contact and Social Media sections of the General Profile and the Communication and Availability sections of the Work Profile are user editable but require admin verification.
To verify unverified items, click the green tick at the end of each item:
Alternatively, you can reject items by choosing the cross: . You can also use the message icon to message users about their information:
Once items are verified, a green tick will appear next to them: