The My Profile tab of Simplified HR lets you store and organize your work-related information and documents:
My Profile has seven sections—Personal Profile, Skill Profile, Work Profile, Showcase, Financial Details, Documents, and Assets. This article will show you how to fill in the sections that you can fill in yourself. For an overview of My Profile and its sections, please see Sections of My Profile. For information on updating Admin-only sections of your profile, read Verifying My Profile.
Editing Profile Sections
To edit a section of My Profile, click on the or
signs at the top of the box.
Sections that do not contain these icons can only be edited by admin users.
This will come up with a box which you can fill in, for example:
Click the Update button to save your changes or the “Cancel” button to discard them.
Personal Profile
Your Personal Profile section contains 10 sections (General, Contact, Health, Residence/Visa, About Me, Education, Reference, Social Media, and Emergency Contact Details, all of which can be edited by you.
The General section lets you fill out your name, and choose your Gender, Date of Birth, and Marital Status from dropdown menus:
The only sections of the General profile that are required are First Name, Last Name, and Gender.
The Contact section lets you fill in your Personal Email, Mobile, Phone, Current Address and Alternate Address:
These can then be verified, which will be shown by the appearance of a green tick:
The Health section gives you a form to fill in your Blood Type, Allergies, Medical Issues, and Disabilities:
All fields are optional, except the Blood Type field, which can be marked as “unknown”.
The Residence/Visa section is where you enter your residency information:
Visa Type, Issuing Country, Date Issued, and Expiration Date can be chosen with dropdown menus. All of these fields must be filled in to save the details.
About Me:
The About Me section contains a field where you can write a bio:
You can also use it to upload a profile picture by clicking on the picture to the left hand side of the section.
To save the section, you must fill in the bio field.
To add your education, fill in the Add Education pop-up menu:
You can fill in fields for School/Institution Name, Degree, Field of Study, and pick Start Dates and End Dates from a dropdown menu.
You can also add a description, URL, or attachments:
The URL field will appear automatically, but you must use the Description and Attachment buttons to add descriptions and attachments.
To save the Education section, you must have filled out the Start Date, End Date, and URL fields.
To add a reference from someone outside your organization, fill in the Add Reference pop-up box:
You can fill in the Reference Name, Affiliation, Email, and Phone Number fields. Add extra email addresses or phone numbers by clicking on the icon.
You can also use the button to delete fields.
Use the dropdown menu to pick country codes.
To save the Reference section, you must have filled in the Name, Email, and Phone Number fields.
Social Media:
To add Social Media, click the to add a new URL:
Fill in a new field for each social media account.
Use the to remove social media accounts.
Emergency Contact Details:
Fill in the Emergency Contact Details pop-up box, to add emergency contacts:
Skills Profile
Your Skills Profile contains 4 sections (Skills & Expertise, Awards & Certifications, Recommendations, and Participation), all of which you can edit yourself.
Skills & Expertise:
The Skills & Expertise section is a pop-up box where you can add your skills and expertise:
The Search for a skill field lets you search for skills from a dropdown menu.
Next, you can choose your skill level and experience by choosing from the Skill Level dropdown menu and filling in the experience field (with the correct number of months/years).
Awards and Certifications:
The Awards and Certifications section is where you can add more information about your awards and certificates, using the Add Award/Certificate pop-up box:
This box lets you fill in a Title, Issuer, and Certificate Identifier for your award or certificate. You can also choose Issue and (if applicable) Expiration Dates by checking the box and filling in the expiration date:
To fill in the Issuer, you must select an event or organization from the dropdown box.
You can also add either a certificate URL or file as proof of your certification by clicking the two relevant plus buttons:
Associated skills can also be added (though you can do this is the Skills & Expertise section).
Use the Recommendations pop-up box to add recommendations that others within your organization have given you:
Fill in the Name of Endorser, Position/Title, and Recommendation Message fields, and select a date. Note that the recommendation message should be verbatim.
You must also add one or more attachments, contact emails, contact numbers, or URLs.
Fill in the Add Participation pop-up box to add participation:
To fill in this box, fill in the Event/Organization, What did you do?, Cause, Location (City or State), and Comment/Note fields, and choose Issue and Expiration dates if relevant.
To fill in the Event/Organization field, you must select an event or organization from the dropdown box.
Work Profile
The only sections of your Work Profile which you can update yourself are Communication, Availability and Additional Information. Both Communication and Availability will then need to be verified by an Admin User. To update other sections of your Work Profile, please see Verifying My Profile Sections.
To fill in the communication box, you must add the communication type to the Name field and the relevant User ID to the User ID field:
You can add or delete communication options by using the and
The Availability box allows you to change your permanent availability:
To add availability, use the Select Time dropdown menus to select times to and from which you are available. If you have multiple time slots of availability, you can add more than one time slot using the button. You can delete extra time slots using the
The Showcase section lets you add and edit example projects.
Adding New Projects:
To add a project, click the Add Project button in the top right corner:
This will open up a form:
Fill in this section by filling in the Project Name, Description, and (if applicable) URL fields. You can also add Tags relevant to your project in the Tags dropdown menu.Media and attachments can be uploaded by dragging them over the boxes at the bottom, or by clicking the browse link.
To save your project click the “Save Changes” button in the top or bottom right-hand corners. This will give you a summary of your project, from which you can click “Go Back” to return to your main showcase section.
Editing Existing Projects:
Click on an existing project to edit it.
This will take you to an overview screen where you can choose to edit or delete your project:
The edit button will take you to the same edit screen as a new project, where you can make the necessary changes to your project description.
The Financial Profile can only be edited by Admin Users. Please see Verifying Profile Sections for more information.
The Documents section allows you to add and manage your work-related documents:
Adding a New File:
To add a new file, click the Upload File button in the top right-hand corner:
This will open the Upload File pop-up box:
You can use this to upload a file, and pick what folder you want the file to be stored in, as well as choosing whether users can only view or also download the file. Note that files can be no larger than 10MB.
You can download documents in Documents by clicking on the download button.
Adding a New Folder:
To add a new folder to Documents, click the New Folder button:
This will open up the Add Folder pop-up box where you can name your new folder.
Note that you cannot use special characters other than space, -, and _.
You can also access the Add Folder box via the add folder button next to each folder in your document list.
To look inside folders, click anywhere on the folder in the list of folders.
To go back to the all folders view, click the Go Back button.
Asset Register
You cannot edit the Asset Register as a non-admin user.
Extra Help
For further information, please read our articles on:
Sections of My Profile
Verifying Profile Sections