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6. Extensions

A guide to extensions for your checkout instance

Support @ BeSimplified avatar
Written by Support @ BeSimplified
Updated over a week ago

The Extensions area allows you to add functionality to an instance by installing extensions. Most extensions can be installed with a one-click install, but some 3rd party extensions require additional configuration such as creating an account with that service or an API key.

Some extensions require the Simplified Checkout Pro plan.

Installing Extensions

You can browse or use the search bar to find an extension and then click the Install button to install an extension. Some extensions require additional configuration in their respective settings panel to function properly.

My Extensions

Enable or disable the extension with the toggle button. Uninstall using the menu to the right of the toggle. Some extensions come with a setting button, which brings you to extension-specific settings.

Beta Extensions

Extensions with the yellow BETA tag are still in the beta-testing phase. These extensions are made available to install and use, but please note that they may not behave as intended and are subject to change in breaking ways.

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